5 reasons managed service providers can take your business further – faster

The decision to purchase new technology usually brings up questions. How can you make sure you’re getting the best support? Where do you turn if you need help during implementation? Is there a way to streamline the transition for your team? What ongoing help will you need?

For at least four out of five businesses, managed service providers are the preferred way to purchase technology and put those questions to rest, according to IDC.

Where buying direct from IT vendors used to be the norm, the reseller route has emerged as the clear choice for businesses who want to ensure the best IT outcomes over the long term. This managed service provider primer walks you through just a few of the ways it stands to better your business.

What is a managed service provider (MSP)?

HubSpot defines a managed service provider (MSP) as, “a business — typically one that specialises in software or hardware — that creates integrations, products and features to enhance existing products or services. These companies then package those enhancements with existing products or services to sell as full-service solutions.”

How do they help?

You get their technical expertise


While they may not have the ability to fix bugs associated with a particular software, these experts know vendors in and out. They can help you steer clear of products that are known to have defects and advise on the right solutions for your particular needs. Often, that means helping you customise a suite of products from different manufacturers that move you in the direction of your business’ stated goals. MSP’s also keep tabs on upcoming product releases, so you never have to worry about purchasing outdated tech.

You have a dedicated account manager

In business, relationships are everything. Managed service providers offer clients a point person that gets to know you and your business like it were their own. That means no calling a customer service line and assuming your place in the queue. Instead, you get a partner in business, one who can personalise the purchasing experience during and after you’ve settled on your IT suite. You and your account manager will share a history too, so you never have to waste time starting from the beginning every time you have an issue.

You get a partner in business, one who can personalise the purchasing experience during and after you’ve settled on your IT suite.

You won’t need to implement alone

Setting up new IT solutions can be a lot of work. MSP’s make sure you don’t embark on implementation alone. Many even offer trainings that are tailored to your team, ensuring you’re up to speed on the features of your new product. MSP demos or one-on-one Q&A sessions can also give your staff a leg up, so they’re able to hit the ground running upon rollout.

You receive personalised support

Technical support.png

Working with a single technician through the course of an issue can be a game changer. If two products aren’t working well together and causing issues, you’ll work with the same tech until it’s resolved. If you think you’ve found a fix but later continue experiencing issues, you can pick up where you left off without unnecessarily
re-explaining the entire situation over again.

You can access multiple services in a single spot

Whether you need product specific help, regular repairs or generalised IT support, MSP’s can handle multiple requests as part of your agreement. As your technology evolves, they’ll handle any associated maintenance, so you never get behind because of a necessary update.

Managed service providers (MSP’s) , value-added resellers (VAR), and channel partners may go by different names, but they all have the same end goal: secure the most beneficial outcome for your business. They help you get the most out of your products and services so you can focus on outperforming the competition.

Are you thinking of outsourcing you IT?

Get in touch! We can help you with all your IT needs!


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